Disorderly Conduct Defense Lawyers Virginia Maryland Massachusetts

In Virginia, Maryland & Massachusetts, the law regarding disorderly conduct encompasses being drunk in public, “disturbing the peace”, or loitering in certain areas. Many types of unruly conduct may fit the definition of disorderly conduct.  Disorderly conduct statutes are often used as “catch-all” crimes.  Police may use a disorderly conduct charge to keep the peace when people are behaving in a disruptive manner to themselves or others, but present no serious public danger. Disorderly conduct is classified as a misdemeanor.

Have you been charged with disorderly conduct in Maryland, Massachusetts or Virginia?

Are you facing a disorderly conduct charge in Maryland, Massachusetts or Virginia?

Disorderly conduct
Disorderly conduct


How your case is handled may make all the difference in world as to how your life progresses from this potentially traumatic event.  Don’t let someone who will not keep you informed as to the status of your case keep you in the dark.  The relationship you have with your attorney during this very difficult period can have a substantial impact on your mental health.  You need and deserve a lawyer who is looking out for you.

You want a lawyer who will take the time to sit down with you and explain the process and why a particular strategy is being used.  You want a lawyer who will listen to you and keep your best interests at heart.

How can a SRIS Law Group lawyer help you?
First and foremost, we will discuss your case with you.  We will explain to you the different options you have and the pros and cons of each option.  We do not require clients to come in and sit down and talk with us.  Certainly, our clients are welcome to come in and talk with us.  However, we understand that clients are very busy and may not have the time to come to the client meeting locations.  Therefore, we allow clients to consult with us by phone first and let the clients decide whether they need to come in and meet with their attorney.  To learn more about how a SRIS Law Group can help you, please call us at 888-437-7747 and speak with a lawyer the same day.

If you need help to defend yourself against a disorderly conduct charge in Maryland, Massachusetts or Virginia, then contact the SRIS Law Group Maryland, Massachusetts or Virginia criminal law defense lawyers for help.

Our Maryland, Massachusetts & Virginia disorderly conduct defense attorneys will do their best to help you.

The following are some of the laws in VA, MD & MA:

  • § 18.2-416. Punishment for using abusive language to another.

If any person shall, in the presence or hearing of another, curse or abuse such other person, or use any violent abusive language to such person concerning himself or any of his relations, or otherwise use such language, under circumstances reasonably calculated to provoke a breach of the peace, he shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

A person who keeps a disorderly house is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not less than 10 days and not exceeding 6 months or a fine not less than $ 50 and not exceeding $ 300 or both.

  • Md. CRIMINAL LAW Code Ann. § 10-202. Keeping disorderly house — Penalty


Whoever, in or upon a railroad carriage, steamboat or other public conveyance, is disorderly, or disturbs or annoys travelers in or upon the same by profane, obscene or indecent language, or by indecent behavior, shall be punished as provided in section forty.

  • ALM GL ch. 272, § 43.  Disorderly Conduct — Public Conveyance.